15 Songs About Not Being Good Enough For Moments Of Struggles And Insecurities

Songs about not being good enough are a thing and they are as good as other songs. These songs are for times when things just seem to be going downhill and nothing good seems to come our way. At these moments and periods in our lives, we either shut down, try to deal with the

Songs about not being good enough are a thing and they are as good as other songs. These songs are for times when things just seem to be going downhill and nothing good seems to come our way.

At these moments and periods in our lives, we either shut down, try to deal with the phase privately, or seek help. In few cases, we do both.

As we know, songs do a lot of things to the human body. Songs can determine and change moods. There are happy songs and there are sad songs.

There are songs that keep your spirits high and others make you want to cry. In the case of the latter, it is totally okay to break down and cry.

We don’t always have to know what to do.

We all have our moments of struggle and low points and we have to live through it all.

Plus, it is not all the time we feel like being uplifted so we just sit and wallow in self-pity.

For some people, this sulking period even helps break them out of their moods and the sad phase.

If you are seeking songs that will uplift your spirit and aid you fight what you’re going through, you’re on the wrong article.

In this article, we’ll help the tears flow and give you reasons to sulk. Hopefully, you’d get through the phase afterward.

SEE ALSO: 15 Songs About Love At First Sight – When You Are Sure You Have Met The One

Table of Contents

Here Are 15 Songs About Not Being Good Enough

1. Kina and Yaeow – Wish I Was Better

Did you lose a special someone due to negligence of some sort? Are you sad because you can’t get said person back even after trying to for a while now? Do you believe you should have done better? Now you’re just sad and sulking while reminiscing about how things were.

This tune is definitely one of those good songs to set you in the mood for self-realization.


I’m calling you up ‘cause I’m missing you

I don’t even know what I’m gonna do

I say I don’t care, that’s not the truth

Yeah, I’m still in love with you…

2. Sia – Chandelier

This song is a song about losing a part of your life to a habit or problem and seeking to find a way out.

The progression of the song shows the journey through battling with the struggle and battling with finding a way out of it.


Party girls don’t get hurt

Can’t feel anything, when will I learn

I push it down, push it down

I’m the one for a good time call

Phone’s blowing up, ringing my doorbell

I feel the love feel the love…

3. Beyonce – Pretty Hurts

In a world where beauty and vain things are signs of a good life, models would do anything to remain relevant. This song portrays the lives models live in order to remain skinny and admired.

Some deal with anorexia as they barely eat anymore to keep in shape for fashion shows and magazines.

If you’re one who lives for the validation of others and has fallen into depression as a result, this song is dedicated t you.


Pretty hurts

We shine the lights on whatever’s worst

Perfection is a disease of a nation

Pretty hurts pretty hurts…

4. Adele – Chasing Pavements

This song by Adele mirrors how empty and desperate some of us get after a breakup.

We may have left a toxic relationship but because of the emptiness of not having a partner, w still miss the person.

It’s not always a great idea to hit the person up anyways so just listen to Adele and sulk it up.


Should I give up

Or should I just keep chasing pavements?

Even if it leads nowhere

Or would it be a waste?

Even if I knew my place should I leave it there…

5. Cast Of Glee – Get It Right

This song by the cast of the series; Glee tells of how a young lady believes she always messes up things and is not good enough to do things like others do.

The lady feels like her kindness isn’t enough and it puts her in a sad place. This is one of the songs about not being good enough that can help explain how we feel.


What have I done?

I wish I could run

Away from this ship going under

Just trying to help out everyone else

Now I feel the weight of the world is on my shoulders

6. Jussie Smollet – Good Enough

A song about wanting to be accepted just the way you are. This song is by Jussie Smollet and the cast of the Empire series. It is a son about needing to be accepted regardless of one’s sexuality.

songs like this help us understand that certain things are beyond our control.


I gave you all of me

But it still ain’t good enough to make you happy

I gave you everything

It still don’t measure up

It feels like I walked five thousand miles

And didn’t even come close…

7. TLC – Unpretty

You’ve probably compared yourself to your friends or their friends and other family members and feel like you’re the ugliest of the lot.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re not pretty enough and not attractive to men and you need enhancers, this song is for you.

It is somewhat uplifting and you may just be glad you listened.


The twenty seconds of loneliness

And we’ve been through so many things

I love my man with all honesty

But I know he’s cheating on me

Look him in the eyes,

But all he tells me is lies to keep me near…

8. Sia – Big Girls Cry

This song is literally screaming what the article is about. We are telling you, in Sia’s words that it is totally okay to cry.

Contrary to popular belief that ‘big girls don’t cry’, big girls do cry and there’s nothing wrong in that.


I may cry ruining my makeup

Wash away all the things you’ve taken

And I don’t look pretty

Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking…

9. Radiohead – Creep

This is a song about a man who felt so insecure, he needed to get drunk to be able to woo the woman he likes. However, it didn’t quite work out as expected.


When you were here before

Couldn’t look you in the eye

You’re just like an angel

Your skin makes me cry

You float like a feather

In a beautiful world

I wish I was special

You’re so fuckin’ special…

10. Pink – Don’t Let Me Get Me

If you ever felt like running away from yourself and not being in the position you find yourself in, Pink has been there too. To further help, she dropped this tune in order to let us know that she has been there and she pulled through, you will too.


Don’t let me get me

I’m my own worst enemy

It’s bad when you annoy yourself

So irritating

Don’t wanna be my friend no more

I wanna be somebody else

I wanna be somebody else…

READ ALSO: Songs About Betrayal- 15 Best Songs To Get You Back Up

11. Carrie Underwood – Cry Pretty

In this song by Carrie Underwood, she bares her insecurities, struggles, and vulnerabilities. She tells you that it is okay to be insecure and vulnerable sometimes.


You can’t hide it

You can’t fight it

But truth is

You can pretty lie

And say it’s okay

You can pretty smile

And just walk away

Pretty much fake your way through anything

But you can’t cry pretty…

12. Linkin Park – Numb

This song is about a child who was forced to follow a path he had no desire of towing. A child made to live his parent’s dreams and dealing with expectations he didn’t sign up for.

Most of us have been through this path and can relate to this.


I’m tired of being what you want me to be

Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface

Don’t know what you’re expecting of me

Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes

Every step that I take is another mistake to you…

13. Lorde – Liability

This song is about Lorde herself. She got the inspiration to write this song when she was going through a period she was finding difficult to make friends. At this period in her life, Lorde had no one close to her and she found it difficult to have friends.


Baby really hurt me, crying in the taxi

He don’t wanna know me

Says he made the big mistake of dancing in my storm

Says it was poison

So I guess I’ll go home into the arms of the girl that I love

The only love I haven’t screwed up…

14. Sia – Breathe Me

This is a song about depression and not being good enough. It is a song of worthlessness and self-inflicted pain.

It’s a song that anyone who has second-guessed themselves can relate to.


Help I have done it again

I have been here many times before

Hurt myself again today

And, the worst part is there’s no one else to blame…

15. Drew Barrymore – SZA

This is a song about living with insecurities and low self-esteem. It could be as a result of a one-sided relationship where you constantly second guess your relevance in someone’s life. It could be as a result of ill-treatment which makes you feel like you’re not good enough.


Somebody get the tacos

Somebody spark a blunt

Let’s start the Narcos off at episode one

Bring the gin

Got the juice

Bring the sin

Got that too

Won’t you just shut up know you’re my favourite…

