The Meaning Behind The Song: Stuart by The Dead Milkmen

Let me take you back to a time when I was first introduced to Stuart by The Dead Milkmen. It was a cold winter evening, and I was gathered with friends around a bonfire, reminiscing about our favorite songs. When someone suggested Stuart, I had no idea what was in store for me. Little did

Let me take you back to a time when I was first introduced to “Stuart” by The Dead Milkmen. It was a cold winter evening, and I was gathered with friends around a bonfire, reminiscing about our favorite songs. When someone suggested “Stuart,” I had no idea what was in store for me. Little did I know that this quirky, satirical tune would leave a lasting impression on me.

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A Quirky Tale of Stuart

Released in 1985 as part of their album “Big Lizard in My Backyard,” “Stuart” immediately stands out with its unconventional lyrics and catchy melody. The song tells a tale of a character named Stuart, who represents a peculiar, outsider perspective amidst a trailer park community. While others in the neighborhood are content with their everyday lives, Stuart seems to harbor an awareness of something hidden beneath the surface.

The song begins with Stuart being praised by the narrator, acknowledging his uniqueness and how he stands apart from the people in the trailer park. It is evident that Stuart is observant and not afraid to voice his unconventional beliefs. The narrator muses about how the residents may watch TV shows like “Mork and Mindy” or enjoy a cold Coors beer, but are oblivious to what is happening with the “queers” and the soil.

Through a series of anecdotes, we gain insights into the narrator’s encounters with other characters in the neighborhood. The mention of Jonny Wurster, a kid presumed to smoke crack, adds a layer of mystery to the story. Jonny’s relentless quest to find a burrow owl reveals his innocence and ignorance. And when the narrator exclaims, “Why the hell do you think they call it a burrow owl, anyway!?” it highlights the absurdity of the situation while questioning the understanding of the world around them.

The song takes an even stranger turn when the narrator shares a personal tragedy involving their son, Bill Jr. The incident at the local carnival, where Bill Jr. tragically loses his life, becomes the catalyst for the narrator’s association between homosexuality, soil quality, and extraterrestrial beings. The pamphlet from Pueblo, Colorado, titled “Do You Know What the Queers Are Doing to Our Soil?” further fuels the narrator’s belief that there is a conspiracy involving queers and aliens.

A Satirical Commentary

While the lyrics of “Stuart” may seem bizarre and even offensive at first glance, it is important to understand the satirical nature and social commentary behind the song. The Dead Milkmen use this absurd narrative to shed light on ignorance, prejudice, and the tendency to blame marginalized communities for societal issues.

The character of Stuart represents an outsider who dares to question mainstream beliefs and challenge the status quo. In a way, Stuart becomes a voice of reason, urging others to reconsider their prejudices and societal blind spots. The song’s juxtaposition of unrelated events and outlandish conclusions aims to highlight the absurdity of scapegoating and the dangers of ignorance.

Personal Reflections

For me, “Stuart” is a testament to the power of music in provoking thought and reflection. The first time I listened to this song, it made me question my own assumptions and biases. It served as a reminder to challenge the narratives presented to us and to seek understanding beyond surface-level judgments.

This song also illustrates the importance of embracing diversity and questioning societal norms. It reminds us to open our minds to different perspectives and to strive for empathy and compassion. Through radical and unexpected storytelling, The Dead Milkmen accomplished what great art often does – they made me think.

So, let “Stuart” be a catalyst for introspection and critical thinking. Let it serve as a reminder that humor and satire can be powerful mediums to question societal beliefs and prejudices. And let it inspire us to be more like Stuart – unafraid to challenge the norm and seek a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

About The Author

Janet Matthews is a frequent contributor to OldTimeMusic. OldTimeMusic, your go-to source for music insights since 1998. We're a passionate community of music enthusiasts and talented instrument players, sharing the meanings and emotions behind songs, highlighting the best tracks and albums in music history, as well as providing the latest music news and instrument tips. Post navigation

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